

Darcy Roehling- Founder, women17 in conversation with journalist Jess Carter

Today we are shaking things up at women17. I’m journalist Jess Carter and after featuring 25 women on the podcast, I think it’s about time we put Darcy under the spotlight! So, welcome, Darcy.

Hi listeners, special thanks to Jess for interviewing me today. I had so much fun doing this and hope you enjoy the podcast and getting to know me better and why I started women17.

As mentioned in the conversation, I am always keen to hear from women who are contributing to the SDGs in their local community. So, if you know of a woman I should speak to, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

I leave you with my favourite quote- it really encapsulates the essence women17…

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”―Margaret Mead

Padmini Govind - Partner - Tharangini Studio

Padmini Govind - Partner - Tharangini Studio

Olivia Choong- Founder, The Tender Gardener & President, Green Drinks Singapore

Olivia Choong- Founder, The Tender Gardener & President, Green Drinks Singapore