All in SDG 12 Resp Consumption

'We change lives with pre-loved bras' - Elaine Birks-Mitchell, Founder and CEO, The Bra Recyclers

Did you know that on average, a woman owns six bras, but only wears two and worn bras only last 6-9 months!?The average American throws away 81 pounds of clothing a year and 95% of these textiles can be recycled, but only 15% gets donated or recycled. That is just astonishing!

I invite you to have a listen to my conversation with Elaine to learn about how you can recycle your own bras- even if you are living outside of the US.

Eliminating single use items by creating reusable, sustainable alternatives - Isabel Aagaard, Founder, LastObject

How many companies can celebrate eliminating over 3 billion single-use items (and still counting!)? Me thinks not many, but LastObject can and boy, am I a big fan!

Today I am thrilled to share my conversation with Isabel Aagaard, Founder of LastObject, whose mission is to eliminate single use items by creating reusable sustainable alternatives.