Business Ethics- what's it all about and how can we do better- Dr. Bettina Palazzo, Ethics Expert

Join women17 in conversation with Dr Bettina Palazzo, Ethics Expert, as we discuss how “ethics is a collaborative conversation between diverse people trying to figure out how to act, live and make good decisions.” We dive into how Bettina found her way into business ethics and the imperative for start-ups as well as large companies need to keep ethics at the centre of their business strategy well before ethical issues arise.

'We change lives with pre-loved bras' - Elaine Birks-Mitchell, Founder and CEO, The Bra Recyclers

Did you know that on average, a woman owns six bras, but only wears two and worn bras only last 6-9 months!?The average American throws away 81 pounds of clothing a year and 95% of these textiles can be recycled, but only 15% gets donated or recycled. That is just astonishing!

I invite you to have a listen to my conversation with Elaine to learn about how you can recycle your own bras- even if you are living outside of the US.