Charlotte Aschim - CEO & Founder - TotalCtrl
Thrilled to be speaking with Charlotte Aschim, the CEO & Founder of TotalCtrl, a global food waste prevention software company that helps consumer-facing businesses optimize their operations, cut costs and prevent food waste. TotalCtrl focuses on SDG 12- responsible consumption and production and specifically on indicator 12.3 that focuses on cutting global food waste by half by 2030.
Charlotte is one of Europe's most inspiring food waste changemakers, a Norwegian Food Mentor, ranked among the top 10 best leaders within sustainability in Norway in 2020, among the top 80 Norwegian leaders under 35 in 2019, one of the amazing Fairforce 100 Environmental Data Entrepreneurs, a European Green Capital Ambassador and so much more.
Go to TotalCtrl to learn more and to your favourite app store to download and get started managing your own food waste!
Check out her social media