

Thanks for listening- three years, 40 podcasts- it's our final podcast episode

Thanks for listening- three years, 40 podcasts- it's our final podcast episode


Hi listeners and thank you for tuning into the women17 podcast. It’s just me today for my 40th and final podcast episode.

I started the podcast in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic as a way to elevate global women’s voices who are contributing to the sustainable development goals. These amazing women are from all over the world including 17 different nationalities spanning 16 different countries. We have covered topics such as sustainable sanitary pads in India, a sustainable island community in the Philippines, green mobility solutions for rural women in Africa, repurposing discarded fishing nets in Canada, food waste tracking in Norway, welcoming refugees in my hometown, Pittsburgh PA, to recycling bras for underprivileged women. I feel so honored and privileged to have learned from these women. They have inspired me to do better and I hope they have inspired you also!   

As for myself, I have a new job that puts me right in the center of all of these issues, helping to educate corporate employees on the science behind climate change and sustainability and how to lead within their organisations by innovating and creating new solutions.

I am not sure what my next volunteer role will be, but as a scuba diver, vegetarian, and lover of the beach, I suspect it will be related to the oceans and SDG 14 Life below Water - watch this space. 

Lastly, I would like to thank all of my listeners for tuning in! As I said, I hope you have learned a lot and have been inspired, no matter what your age, to contribute in your own small (or big) way to making our world a better place to live for generations to come. 

I wish you a happy, safe, and productive day and thank you once again for listening! 

Mapping global pollution and maritime hazards - in conversation with Cath Robertshaw, COO, Eyesea

Mapping global pollution and maritime hazards - in conversation with Cath Robertshaw, COO, Eyesea