All in 2021

Darcy Roehling- Founder, women17 in conversation with journalist Jess Carter

Hi listeners! Today we are shaking things up at women17. I’m journalist Jess Carter and after featuring 25 women on the podcast, I think it’s about time we put Darcy under the spotlight! So, welcome, Darcy.

Olivia Choong- Founder, The Tender Gardener & President, Green Drinks Singapore

Today I am very excited to speak with Olivia Choong, writer, communicator and environmental activist based in Singapore. Olivia is a communicator, nature lover and believer of a sustainable society. She connects people to nature and environmental topics through her gardening and self sufficiency blog and YouTube channel, The Tender Gardener, and facilitates dialogues on sustainability issues through Green Drinks (Singapore), where she is the President.

Charlotte Aschim - CEO & Founder - TotalCtrl

Thrilled to be speaking with Charlotte Aschim, the CEO & Founder of TotalCtrl, a global food waste prevention software company that helps consumer-facing businesses optimize their operations, cut costs and prevent food waste. TotalCtrl focuses on SDG 12- responsible consumption and production and specifically on indicator 12.3 that focuses on cutting global food waste by half by 2030.