All in 2022

Innovative design - delivering clean water to a thirsty world - Cynthia Koenig, Founder, Wello

Imagine carrying 10 litres (2.64 gallons) of water for several kilometres. Now, put that water pot on your head and walk the same distance- multiple times per day. This is the drudgery that many women and girls endure in the Global South- harming not only their health, but also excluding them from getting a formal education.

This is where social entrepreneur Cynthia Koenig, Founder of Wello, an award winning social venture that co-creates disruptive innovations designed to provide better, more reliable access to safe water stepped in.

Eliminating single use items by creating reusable, sustainable alternatives - Isabel Aagaard, Founder, LastObject

How many companies can celebrate eliminating over 3 billion single-use items (and still counting!)? Me thinks not many, but LastObject can and boy, am I a big fan!

Today I am thrilled to share my conversation with Isabel Aagaard, Founder of LastObject, whose mission is to eliminate single use items by creating reusable sustainable alternatives.